
Visual Art by

Luke Hager

photos & videos by Luke Hager

“You can’t spell heart without art.”


Oil Paintings

Titled NEXUS

Video explanation of Nexus


Oil Paintings

Pictured below is an oil painting of my nephew.

Finished oil painting of 4 young brothers

Short timelapse of an oil painting of 4 young brothers

Oil, water color, and acrylic painting of my grandparents when they were young and while they were older.

Realism with abstract background

Here is an acrylic painted health themed mural depicting 3 pillars for optimizing human function. These include nutrition, exercise, and circadian rhythms. The heart is at the center of the painting with a tree that is growing out of the top. The tree branches and leaves are shaped into a side view of a brain. The bottom left shows mitochondria and silhouettes of people performing exercises. The bottom right shows colorful foods in a rainbow arrangement. The top section highlights the importance of proper light and dark signals from our environment to help sync circadian rhythms.


Acrylic Paintings

“The Moon”


“WienCream” (Weiner dog + Ice cream)


“Finding the way”

Drawings and Abstracts

“Spirit River”

“Orgtronic” Pencil drawing






"Orgtronic" Oil painting

“Orgtronic” Oil Painting

Acrylic FLOW paintings


Imagine and create

〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Imagine and create


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